Say Their Names – Remembering means changing: Commemoration of the victims of the right-wing extremist terrorist attack in Hanau

Demonstration against racism, right-wing extremism and AfD

Saturday, February 17, 2024
Johannes-Rau-Platz – Wuppertal Barmen town hall
12:00 pm rally, followed by demonstration march

Gökhan Gültekin, Sedat Gürbüz, Said Nesar Hashemi, Mercedes Kierpacz, Hamza Kurtović, Vili Viorel Păun, Fatih Saraçoğlu, Ferhat Unvar and Kaloyan Velkov

Four years have passed since nine young people were killed by a right-wing extremist in a terrorist attack in Hanau on February 19, 2020. Their names are a reminder that the fantasies of destruction of right-wing networks end in death.

The victims are representative of the at least 219 people murdered by right-wing extremist violence since 1990 and the world view behind it, which is spread unchecked by the AfD and other organizations. Even if it is encouraging to see so many people on the streets of this country against the AfD’s deportation plans: Racism and Antisemitism permeate all structures of society. As a result, not all people in this country are equally protected. Hanau has also stood for this for four years.

Relatives and survivors are still demanding an appropriate commemoration and a proper investigation into the crime and the massive failure of the authorities. For example, the perpetrator had an official gun permit, even though he had been known to the police for years because of extreme conspiracy ideology reports. Some of the statements he made were identical to his later killing manifesto. A year before his crime in Hanau, he threatened a woman, including the use of weapons. All of this was played down by the police officers responsible. The perpetrator’s father is still shouting his racist world view in the streets of Hanau today. And he threatens and persecutes relatives of the victims and young people unhindered. These few examples show that state organs do not adequately fulfill their protective function. The racist murder attack in Hanau is an oppressive reminder of the way the NSU murders were handled in the 2000s and the failures surrounding the Solingen murder attack in 1993.

To remember means to change. By telling ourselves and everyone else the stories of those murdered, we fight against the normalization of racism and Antisemitism. Travel to Hanau on February 17 and commemorate this murderous act side by side with relatives and survivors. Or take to the streets with us here in Wuppertal on February 17 to remember the victims and demand consequences! Bring your friends, families and neighbors and let everyone know that we are fighting together against racist threats and violence. Today and every day.

Organizer: Alliance „Wuppertal stellt sich quer!“